Wednesday, May 06, 2009

baseball time!

gosh, it's been ages since i posted! our computer has been at the exorcist getting the demons out and then the laptop got sick. we've been computer starved! what in the world did we do before the computer age?! oh yeah, we made our own entertainment.

today i thought i would post a pic or two of blake playing baseball! he's really enjoying it this year. he played 2 years of t-ball but this year went up to pitching machine. i was a little worried that he would be intimidated by the machine and the slightly bigger boys....but he's holding his own! we're so proud of him!

maybe the cutest and funniest thing about this season is brady as the bat boy! brady just turned 4 so he can't start t-ball until next year. he wants to play sooooo bad!! our coach was really sweet letting him be the bat boy and he does it so well! when he runs out for a bat, he pauses just a second so the crowd can cheer for him! all of the parents think he's hilarious and clap and holler for him! ....and yes, i have it on video!

gotta run! my great husband is taking me to lunch today. hope to post a few other things this afternoon or tonight so check back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I've been missing you on here. I love the picture of the boys together.