1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
i had several things in mind to post here, but decided on 7 of the more docile things....in fear that if i put some of my other quirks, the loony bin guys may come and cart me off!
OK so here goes a little about me:
1~in addition to my degree in nursing, i also hold a bachelor's degree in psychology. i really didn't plan on that as a career, i just thought i may need the knowledge to deal with my goofball family! um, okay, moving right along.....
2~i have a serious pet peeve issue with people who have pierced ears but don't put earrings in them. i hate to see empty holes! my friends at work know how i am...and some have even left for work, realized their holes were naked, then turned around to get their earrings! you go, girls!
3~my favorite tv show, and really the only one i have time to watch on dvr, is Survivor! it just warms my heart to see 16 people starve and torture themselves for a month for 1 million dollars when they can answer 5th grade school questions for 1 hour to win the same amount of money! i mean really....do they not research their options?
4~i have to sleep with one arm under my pillow, no matter which side i'm laying on. often i wake up with a paralyzed limb, but it's worth it.
5~when my second son, brady, was born we banked his cord blood with CBR (Cord Blood Registry). we felt it was definitely worth it with so many diseases and childhood cancers these days. his stem cells, God forbid we should ever actually need them, could also be used to treat his brother.
6~i have a ridiculous adoration for shoes, especially when it comes to flip-flops. i own more than 80 pairs of shoes....and 31 pairs of flip-flops! yes, i just counted. and no, my husband doesn't even fight me on it anymore.
7~my favorite time of the year is fall. not because of cooler weather, pumpkins, or cute long-sleeve clothes....but because it's CANDY CORN time!! yay! i just love me some candy corn!
well, there you have it! now i'm supposed to tag 7 other people but i don't know that many bloggers so i'm just gonna tag aimee! she's my sister-in-law who's pregnant with her first baby, my nephew-in-progress, named Elijah. poor aimee is 31 weeks and has been put on bedrest. for any of you who know her, you know she's NOT a bedrest kind of person! pray for her. the good thing is that she'll have plenty of down time to come up with her 7 "things"!
until next time, have a great week!
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